“Vocolot's sheer vocal fireworks … heal and elevate their listeners …Hirschhorn is a truly gifted composer.”
—Ya'acov Gabriel, Tikkun Magazine

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Track: 14. Sarah and Hagar2:55

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I am calling you, oh Sarah;
This is your sister, Hagar,
calling through the centuries
to reach you from afar.

Here is my son, Ishmael,
your sister's son, alive.
We share the sons of Abraham:
two peoples, one tribe.

Oh yes, I am your Sarah.
I remember you, Hagar.
Your voice comes through the distance,
a cry upon my heart.

It was I who cast you out, in fear and jealousy;
Yet your vision survived the wilderness
to reach your destiny.

But it wasn't till my Isaac lay under the knife
that I recognized your peril,
the danger to your life.

I tremble now, Hagar,
for our peril's still the same.
We will not survive as strangers;
We must speak each other's name.

We must tell each others' stories,
make each other strong,
and sing the dream of ancient lands
where both of us belong.

Oh, let us hear the prayers
where spirit first was sown,
that all of our children
may call this land their home.

By Linda Hirschhorn (© 1988,2000)

Arranged by Linda Hirschhorn

ISRC: US-CGH-05-75095

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© 1988,2000 Linda Hirschhorn, Kehila Publications (BMI)
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